How to create a complete rain harvesting system

1. Check roof surface

Check the roof surface is suitable for collecting quality rainwater.

2. Fit leaf eater rain heads

Fit leaf eater rain heads to downpipes to prevent blocking. Rain heads deflect leaves and debris and keep mosquitoes out of pipes that hold water.

3. Install first flush water diverter/s

Install first flush water diverter/s (sometimes called 'roof washers') to prevent the first flush of most contaminated rainwater from entering the tank.

4. Ensure the tank screen is installed correctly

Ensure the tank screen is installed at tank entry point to keep mosquitoes and pests out.

5. Choose a water tank

Consider annual rainfall, roof catchment area and water usage when determining its size.

6. Select a pump system

If required select a pump system to distribute water for use inside or outside the home.

7. Water level monitor

Install a level indicator to help monitor your water usage.